NP/Grad School Mentoring Program
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More Info (same as email)
- Weekly 1-1 Check-in Calls until the end of your first semester
(this a new addition to the program and a big change that I am really excited about)
- 8 Small Group Mentoring Classes + Recordings
- 6 Private, 1-1 60-minute sessions
(most helpful when used for either grad school writing prep or during the semester to plan and edit assignments)
- Option to connect with others in the cohort or a "big sibling" a year ahead of you in the program if one is available
- Option to pre-purchase additional sessions at the lower rate as needed
Small Group Mentoring Sessions:
Session 1: Big Picture
Overview: Making the Most of Your Ivy League Experience:
from clinical, to networking, to making friends and more
5 Things I Did Right + 5 Things I Regret About My Experience
Homework: Choose 1 of the 3 journal prompts
Session 2: Goal Setting + Time Management:
Goal setting:
- Academic goals for the semester and for the program
- Personal goals for the semester and for the program
- Career advancement goals and picking small steps you can take towards reaching them
- Picking your priorities exercise
- I feel best when / I feel worse when exercise
- Ideas for streamlining your life and reducing your mental load during grad school
Homework: Complete handout about semester/long term goals
Session 3: Syllabus/Google Calendar + Life Integration
- Demonstration of the different ways you can use Google Calendar to organize your semester and personal life (I run my life and business off Google and would love to teach you all the tips and tricks.)
- Walk through of applying your syllabus to your semester calendar
- Time blocking that allows for flexibility (including sleep and the items you selected to prioritize in Session 1)
- Options for mapping and visualizing your semester workload
Homework: Add everything to your Google Calendar, download the app
Session 4: Research / Grad School Writing
- Differences between undergrad and grad school writing
- How to ethically and safely use ChatGPT and other AI for assignments
- Most common mistakes I see students lose points for (and how to avoid them)
- Decoding writing assignment rubrics (how to not get overwhelmed)
Homework: Play around with Google Scholar and some research questions
Session 5: Grad School and Stress Management
This is probably one of my favorite things to talk about.There's the ideal stress management techniques that you read about online... and then there's the reality of grad school. They are not the same. haha
Finding what works for you takes some time, but I'm here to guide you through it and tell you all the things I've learned the hard way. For me it's a mix of small daily practices and habits for yourself, mindset shifts and reframes, and figuring out what's me actually recharging vs numbing out. I know this might seem a bit "hippie dippie" but I promise it's helpful.
Homework: test out and get familiar at least three of the resources discussed (this way you have one less thing to worry about when school starts)
Session 6: Study Techniques and Resources
Evidence based Study Techniques
- Study Spacing
- Active Recall
- How to apply these techniques using web/phone apps or the old school way (paper 😂)
- How to use ChatGPT and other AI resources within academic honesty guidelines (and your own ethics)
- ADHD specific study tips
- Options for Note-Taking Systems
Homework: test out and get familiar at least three of the resources discussed (this way you have one less thing to worry about when school starts)
Session 7: Techniques Against Procrastination and Overwhelm
- The psychology of perfectionism and procrastination (yes, they are related)
- ADHD and procrastination
- Evidence-based techniques used by the most successful people
Homework: Pick your favorite mantra for this, write it on a post-it, and stick it somewhere visible at your work station
Session 8: Putting It All Together
- A review of the tools you've learned and how to apply it to your NP program
- A check-in of the habits you've been working on developing throughout this 8-week course
Your 1-1 Sessions:
Grad School Writing Track (4 Sessions)
This is a 4 session track designed to assess your grad school writing strengths and weaknesses, and then take you through a sample writing assignment to put to use the skills you've learned in the group sessions, plus teach you any additional techniques that may help you.
Individual Uses
Your 6, 1-1 Sessions can be used towards whatever you need. You don't need to decide now. You can schedule as needs pop up during your semester.
(However, I cannot stress enough how helpful it is to use one of your 1-1 sessions to plan out your semester with me. While not mandatory, I highly recommend you use one of your sessions for this.)
1-1 Session #1: Strategy Session (strongly recommended)
- Review goals (semester and long-term) and habits together
- Identify areas of concern for the semester and form plan
- Review your calendar/semester planning together
You might find the following sessions helpful:
1-1 Session: Mid Semester Check-In
- Progress towards goals check in
- Stress/Coping skills check in
- Study schedule refresh/adjustments if necessary
Session 1-1 Session: Semester Debrief
It might seem superfluous but there is actually a bunch of evidence to support the power of reflection in regards to growth and improvement. It's helpful to figure what you did well and how to best utilize that in the coming semester, and what didn't go well that you can change for next semester
Other Helpful 1-1 Sessions
- Research Assignment Planning
- Writing Assignment Planning or Editing
- Scholarship Essay Writing
- Course-Specific Chat GPT Walk Through
- Networking and Career Planning
- APA Formatting Help
- Personalized Study Plans
- Guidance and troubleshooting on clinical assignments
- Asynchronous Editing + Feedback